Hajj Package details

Departure from Dhaka to Madinah. Transfer from Madinah Airport to Madinah Hotel. Check-in hotel and Focus on your regular Prayers and Ibadah.

Nighttime in Muzdalifah:

After sunset you will be shifted to Muzdalifah, pray Maghrib and Isha together in Jamat at a time (Jama). Spend the whole night in the open sky, collect 49/70 pebbles for Jamarat stoning.

Day 13 | 10 ZH: Muzdalifa – Mina – Jamarat – Masjid al-Haram - Mina

After the Fazr prayer in Muzdalifah we will take you to the Mina Tent. After having breakfast at Mina Tent, we will take you to Jamarat for stoning (07 Stones) to the Jamrah Al Aqabah/Large Jamarah. After that, return to the Mina Tent or go to the Shisha Apartment, complete your Qurbani (sacrifice), shave your head (Male) / Cut hair (Female), take a bath, leave the state of Ihram, and wear comfortable cloth, 

Afternoon go to Masjid al-Haram with the group leader to perform Tawaf al-Ifadha and then another circuit of Sa’ee as part of your Hajj rituals, after that return to your tent in Mina. Overnight at the Mina Tent.

Please note that, if you cannot perform Tawaf and Sa’ee on the 10th ZH, you can perform it on any day between the 13th ZH.

Packege Price


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